Change your facilities or equipment

Apply to make a structural change to a registered establishment.

  • Establishment
  • Export operations
  • Application
  • Account

You must let us know if you plan to:

  • make changes to your registered establishment’s facilities or equipment, and
  • the change(s) will affect compliance with the conditions of your establishment’s registration.

You can apply to make proposed changes in your account. You will need to provide details of the changes and any supporting documents. We'll contact you for further details.

To change your facilities or equipment details:

  1. Sign in to your Export Service account.
  2. Under 'Your linked businesses', select the business name.
  3. In the side menu, select ‘Establishments’.
  4. Under ‘Your establishments’, select the establishment name.
  5. Select the ‘Export operations’ tab.
  6. Under ‘Update your registration’, select ‘Make a structural change’.
  7. Provide details of the changes you want to make to your establishment.
  8. Follow the prompts to complete and submit your application.

We’ll review your application as soon as possible. We’ll let you know if we can approve it in email.

Need more help?

Email 1800 571 125, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm AEST